My Favorite Galderma Product

3 min read
July 2, 2022
July 1, 2022

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By: Nicole Lavoie, APRN

As a nurse practitioner, I'm often asked by clients when doing aesthetic injections which products are my favorite. There is never a right answer to this question since there are a lot of amazing products out there on the market. However, one of my top favorite products that I inject is Galderma’s Sculptra. As people age, the skin’s natural collagen supply decreases which is why people start to notice wrinkles and other signs of facial aging. Studies show by the age of 45, clients have at least 25 percent collagen loss in the face. Sculptra is an FDA-approved injection that helps replenish lost collagen and activate the skin’s natural regenerative process that helps restore facial volume. The most common areas in which Sculptra is injected are the temples, cheeks, and jawline area to help lift and restore volume. However, there are other areas that it is being injected into such as the neck, the chest, and the glutes.

Before and after Galderma treatment on the face

Here are the top reasons why I personally love Sculptra:

  1. It looks so natural!

Sculptra restores the skin gradually with significant results over a series of treatments. Sculptra is not a product that is going to give a client a huge difference after one treatment which is great for those clients who want a more natural look. It takes a series of treatments depending on the client’s age or volume loss that is spread 6 weeks apart to provide the best results. The general rule of thumb for treatment recommendations is one vial of Sculptra per decade of life. Over the course of treatments, clients will gradually start to see changes in terms of lifting and restoring collagen to the treatment area.

   2. Long-lasting results 

Another great thing about Sculptra is that it is long-lasting. Sculptra can last up to 2 to 5 years after the client’s initial series of treatments are done with a maintenance dose of 1 vial yearly to keep collagen production going.  Studies show that 80 percent of clients who did Sculptra treatments were still satisfied with their treatment results well after 25 months from their initial injection. Other filler products for similar treatment areas last only about 12 to 18 months, so clients get longer longevity with Sculptra compared to other filler products. 

   3. Easy aftercare instructions

Clients who receive Sculptra are recommended to follow the “5-5-5 rule” in which clients are encouraged to massage the treatment area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days. The massaging of the Sculptra allows the integration of the product into the treatment area, as well as helps stimulate collagen production. Massaging the area can also aid in preventing unwanted nodules of the product as it settles. Clients who do Sculptra injections do not have a lot of downtimes and can continue facial treatments, and laser treatments after injections compared to other fillers where clients would have to wait 2 weeks post filler.

All in all, Galderma’s Sculptra is a product on the market that is unlike any other. As an injector, I love making people feel like the best version of themselves and I feel like Sculptra delivers that for clients. Clients can set up a complimentary consultation at any one of Couture Med Spa’s four locations where they can be consulted by a licensed and trained provider like myself for more information on Sculptra because who doesn’t want to age younger. 

Learn more and book your Sculptra appointment NOW!

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