Lower Face Filler

3 min read
February 7, 2024
February 7, 2024

Our lower face spends a lot of time in motion, whether we’re talking, eating, or laughing, and naturally as we age, there is fat and bone loss.

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By: Candace Kettlehut

Our lower face spends a lot of time in motion, whether we’re talking, eating, or laughing, and naturally as we age, there is fat and bone loss. This combined causes an increase in the appearance of aging skin with jawline sagging, jowls, and deepened marionette lines. Injectable fillers can reshape the jawline, lift soft tissues, and improve facial proportions, effectively improving the appearance of the area.

How Can Volux Help?

While fillers used in the cheeks or lips are typically used to add volume and lift, lower facial fillers are used to restore definition and create a more sculpted and youthful look.  Juvederm Volux is the first ever FDA-approved dermal filler to contour the jawline and treat loss of jawline definition. Volux contains one of the thickest gels out of all the Juvederm dermal fillers making it the best for contouring the lower portion of the face effectively. The hyaluronic acid-based filler also provides a higher lift capacity and long-lasting results with firm cross-linking of hyaluronic acid.

How Can Volux Help The Chin?

  • Weak or recessive chin: filler can help build projection. When considering the aesthetics of a chin, the projection of the chin should be roughly 3mm posterior to a line down the nose-lip-chin plane.
  • Length of the chin: the ideal length of the chin can be measured in thirds (1/3 is forehead, 1/3 is nose to upper lip, and the last 1/3 is lips and chin). The length of the chin can be increased with the use of dermal fillers.
  • Pointy or narrow chin: dermal fillers can be used to round the chin.
  • Asymmetrical chin: When the chin is uneven, and has areas of hollowness or dimples, filler can be used to fill the area to give more symmetry.
  • Double chin or pre-jowl: chin filler can help decrease the appearance of a double chin and/or jowls by creating a definition between the jawline and neck.

How Can Volux Help The Jawline?

  • Volux can be injected in the angle of the jaw to elongate the jawline itself, giving a more defined/sharp look.
  • Adding Volux to the angle of the jaw can help lift the area between the chin and jawline, known as the jowls.
  • Volux also helps build and reinforce the bony structure of the jawline.

What Should I Expect After Chin Filler?

Following chin filler, be advised not touch, massage, or apply too much pressure to the area. The chin needs time to heal; to allow the swelling to subside and to let the filler settle. Too much pressure to the area could displace the filler.  Ice can be used for any discomfort post treatment and help decrease the swelling after treatment. Mild bruising is to be expected but should subside in about three to four days. It takes up to two full weeks for the filler to completely settle and on average, the filler should last approximately 12-18 months.

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